As Seen on TV - Fanny Keifer

Mastermoves focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, based on yoga, martial arts and dancing, Master Moves exercises teaches awareness of relaxation and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the Core Muscles and keep in good shape all the internal organs.

In recent years Master Moves has been feature in the following TV shows:
January 2011
Best Practices

The Core Challenge works! Many have benefitted first and foremost by losing weight and toning their body. Improvements were also realized with an increase in energy, an enhanced quality of life, and heightened overall health.

Hand in hand, participants built their confidence and their belief in themselves, while subsequently earning the respect of others. In doing so, many became a role model for their family and friends, as well as their community. Many have truly made a difference beyond measure. And you can too!

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The main focus of the Mastermoves Core Training System is a proper nutrition and workout plan that can be accomplished in just a few minutes a day. You will develop a lean and strong body core by performing simple yet extremely effective exercises with the Master Moves tools.

The Core Training System will help you practice daily abdominal exercises for developing your core muscles. These important groups of muscles are attached to the spine, pelvis and muscles that support the shoulder blade. They stabilize these areas to create a firm foundation for coordinated movement of legs and arms. In ideal circumstances, the forces carried by the body should be in a vertical line. The good news is that you can develop your core muscles exercising 10-15 minutes a day. The Core Training System can be practiced almost anywhere. Isn't it time you got the body you've always wanted?

  • Exercise tool is used in almost all body conditioning and toning exercises
  • Made of durable hardwood
  • Training manual provides a comprehensive overview of fitness principles and techniques
  • Internet Coaching program with fitness video, cooking recipes and healthy tips
  • Master rod completes the set as it accelerates your muscle conditioning
  • Weight capacity is up to 500 lbs

Live a Fit and Prosperous Life!

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